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Coronavirus Update

Dear Sunshine Families,
Thank you for patience as we work through this difficult time. We promised to have frequent and often communication so in that spirit I’m writing you give you a partial update. Please understand that we are in a highly dynamic situation that can change not just day-to-day but hour-to-hour. At this time it is our intention to stay open. In the spirit of transparency I want to give you some insight into our thought process. The primary factors driving our decisions are:
1. We want to provide a childcare option for those of our families who are first responders, doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals, and similar roles. These individuals provide critical, often life-saving service to our community and they cannot do so if they need to stay home to care for their children.
2. We want to provide a childcare option for those of our families that simply have no other choice, or who’s other choice might be an elderly, or immuno-compromised family member. We don’t want to create a situation that places this high-risk population in harm’s way.
3. We want to support our staff, who rely on Sunshine Starts remaining open for their livelihood. Regardless of how this situation develops, we will always do everything we can to support our staff. However if we voluntarily shut down, our options become more limited.
We have been in near constant contact with local and state officials and based on those conversations we are implementing a number of change to help lower the risk to everyone’s health. It goes without saying that we are fully supportive of all state, county, and local efforts to help address the current situation and will immediately take any additional actions such authorities request.
1. Effective immediately we will cut back our operating hours to 7:30a to 5:30p. This will allow us to implement staggered work schedule creating a significant degree of social distancing.
2. Based on recommendations from the CDC and the Department of Health, we will be dividing our staff into Team A and Team B. Each team will work 10 hour shifts, for 4 days, then switch with the other team. For example, this week Team A will work Mon-Thu, 7:30a – 5:30p, then Team B will take over Fri, Mon-Wed. This will cut in half the number of staff in the building and provide for a substantial degree of social distancing. Additionally, by having staff work the entire 7:30-5:30p shift we will limit the number of staff that children come in contact with.
3. We will be implementing curb-side drop-off and pick-up. This will further reduce the number of people in the building at any one time. This will unfortunately create delays at drop-off and pick-up so we ask you to allot significant extra time. In addition, we will also have staggered drop-off and pick-up times. Please be out the look-out for further updates on this.
4. We have greatly increased the frequency and intensity of our disinfection procedures. Adding to that we will begin be using a sprayer with an EPA/FDA approved disinfection agent to clean the entire building. As always we only use products that are deemed safe and non-toxic. We will also be using these products at times that allow for maximum time before children and staff are back in the building.
These changes will undoubtedly limit our capacity. We are very thankful to so many of our families who have kept their children home over the last few days. This has allowed us to concentrate our efforts on proving childcare those those of our families that absolutely need it. While we will work to remain open in as safe a manner as possible, local and state officials have asked that we tell all our families, that if you are at all able to keep your children home, please do so. This would not only help limit their risk of exposure, but also help protect your broader household, as well as help limit the overall spread of the virus throughout our community.
Finally in this difficult time the last thing on our mind is business profit. As such, we have made the decision to use all available funds to support our staff (payroll) and families (tuition). In the unlikely event that there is anything left we will be donating it to the local community to help those in need during this difficult time.
Again, please check your email for additional updates regarding staggered drop off and pick up. Additionally, the town of Yorktown will host livestreamed town hall on facebook at 4PM. We have been asked to participate and speak to the measures we are taking. Please continue to watch out for updates.
Thank you all again for your continued support and patience and we navigate these uncertain times together.